Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saturday 9/9 to Carlsbad

Saturday, Sept 8th:  We left Del Rio to get to Carlsbad.  And entered our 29th state.... "Welcome to New Mexico...the Land of Enchantment"  and are now in mountain time.  But first, the trip in.

Heading west on 90A we are only 1/2 mile from Mexico thus the Border Patrol vehicles and the inspection station.  You approach the station , see a dog warning to restrain your pet because of their patrol dogs.  Question:  Are you a U.S. citizen, is that your wife, is she a citizen, is there anyone in the back???  After answering very somberly and seeing the canine siffing out our motorhome, they said " Have a nice day" and we were off.  Geez was that exciting.  Gretchen is now on the lookout for trespassers!!

We cross the Pecos river which is only the second body of water we have seen since Portage Lakes!
It is pretty.

Animals:  vultures in groups hoovering and were seen on the roadside with their lunch.  A jack rabbit, mules, moo-cows, asses, horses, goats, and flys. 

Visited Judge Roy Bean's saloon/court house/home in Langtry.  History:  He was the "law west of the pecos."  At one time, a corpse was brought in that had $40 in gold coins and a six shooter.  He fined the corpse $40 for having a concealed weapon .  He was facinated with a English acress, Lillie Langtry, and named the town and his saloon in her honor.  He died never meeting her.  But he was a mean son-of-a-gun who stayed in office on and off for 20 years. 

Had another Mexican lunch in Pecos and now off to New Mexico. 

Staying at a KOA in Carlsbad, New Mexico and Roger asked if there are any critters here.  Oh Yes!  Rattlers, scorpions, taranchulas, and coyotes.  YIKES.  Gretchen would rather just see a bear!!

picture:  Cow Creek sign above another creek that is dry.
picture:  Pecos River as it flows south to the Rio Grande.
picture:  Vultures.  They're everywhere, they're everywhere.
picture:  Roger at Judge Roy Bean's.  Sign in middle says:  Justice of the Peace Law West of the Pecos.  Sign on left says:  The Jersey Lilly.  Sign on top says:  Judge Roy Bean notary public.
picture:  in the Judge's courtroom/saloon.  Bottom sign says"  NOTICE.  No shooting, cutting, fighting or loud cussing allowed.  And absolutely no spitting on floor. Judge Roy Bean".  Top is picture of Lilly Langtry.
picture:  Mountains, within 3 miles, is Mexico as seen from the Judge's saloon.
picture:  vulture having lunch.  The others flew off when we approached in the Motorhome.
picture:  Texas oil field.
picture.  Welcome to New Mexico.  Our 29th state on our Motorhome adventure.

Weather:  We went from over 100 to 80 degrees.  What a difference.  Must be a one day cool front, cuz tomorrow it will be in the 90's.  Little rain due tonight.

Gas:  still around $3.59 to $3.69 in Texas.

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