Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, Sept 16th: Blow out to Tombstone

September, Sunday 16th.  Left Las Cruces for Tombstone.  Another inspection station with a sniffing dog.  We passed!

Hey, no wonder we are out of breathe,  we just passed the continental divide, elevation 4,585 feet.  At one time we were at 8,000.    Stongsville is 988 feet.  And we entered Pacific time so now three hours behind everyone back home.  More time to party!!

Found a real ghost town called Steins in New Mexico close to the Arizona border.  The man who owned this was killed just a few months ago on his property by, thought to be, illegals  He was 68 years old.  His oldest granddaughter and wife are now opening the ghost town to visitors.  Gretchen thought she was a ghost when taking a picture of the outhouse!  Pee-whew!

We have now crossed our 29th state with the motorhome.  Arizona, the Grand Canyon State. 

We have found a Geronimo National Surrender Monument in Apache, Arizona.  This ended the war between the Apache and the U.S.  But we also think we found a road hazard that blew out the inside tire!  A big bang, which was not Indians or the U.S. Calvary although it sounded like it!  And there we were 31 miles from Douglas, Arizona with nothing but a prayer that the outside tire did not also go.   Gretchen thought that Roger was yelling at her but he said he was yelling at the road, the tire, etc!!!!!!  Mind you that this is Sunday afternoon when everything would be closed if we made it to Douglas.

Where we were:  no cell service, no internet, no towns, no traffic.  Absolutely nothing.  But with quick thought, Gretchen put in a Walmart into the GPS and off we were, slowly, to Douglas.  But wait:  the GPS was all screwed up and kept trying to get us to turn onto dead end roads in a residential area.  Good grief was Roger most unhappy and still yelling at something!

But we made it and Roger had to go to management at the Walmart to explain that we only needed to have the tire changed with the spare that we had.  A moment to thank Roger for this:  the motorhome does not come with a spare.  When purchased it, he had to have a special mount for the spare.  And did this come in handy since Walmart would never have a RV tire in stock.  Thought for a while we would be spending a lovely night at the Walmart!

One hour later we were off.  The cost?   $5.00 to change the tire. Yes, that's right....only $5.00.   But, hey, there were four guys working on this.....Talk about low wages.

Arrived in Tombstone late afternoon.  Campsite is ok cuz at least we would have a camp fire. The first since Georgia.  Roger made his bestest pizza-on-the-grill while we enjoyed our camp fire and remembering everyone back home and the camp fires there.  We will be back!

Found out the next morning, not to walk about at night since the rattlers have lost their rattles for now.  Yikes, you mean when we took Blue for a nightly walk!  Keep forgetting that we are out west and there are critters that could ruin our vacation...............

picture:  Gretchen applying the 28th state of New Mexico.
picture:  another Inspection Station:  Are you US Citizens?  Anyone else in there?  (answer:  just a dog).  Ok, sir, have a nice day.
picture:  Dust storms can happen at any time.  We saw only dirt devils!
picture:  the dust plains of New Mexico on way to Arizona, Route 80, back road
picture:  New Mexico rest area:  not only are you not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages but another sign says"  Beware of Rattlesnakes".  Are you kidding?  I have to go to the backroom and must watch out for the rattlers?  Forget it,  I will just hold it for now!
picture:  Pretty adobe building with a picnic table at the rest stop.  But watch out for those rattlers!
picture:  Continental divide:  you spit now and it goes to the Pacific not to the Atlantic!  How does it know how to do that?
picture:  Steines Mercantile at the ghost town.
picture:  The old shit house where Gretchen felt/smelled a ghost!  She swears by it!
picture:  ghost town saloon.  Drink up!
picture:  ghost town open air rail car
picture:  Steins welcome
picture:  29th motorhome state visited is Arizona.
picture:  The "blow out street".  Notice that there is absolutely nothing out there.  This went on for 31nervous miles to Douglas, Arizona
picture:  The tire crew at Walmart.  Don't know why Roger is scratching his head.
picture:  Job well done.  Count them, there are 7 involved.  Yes, 7 to change/process the tire job.  But we cannot thank them so much for their smiles, jokes, and efficient job done.  $5.00 and one hour later we were off on our journey feeling safe.
picture:  welcome to Tombstone - the town too tough to die.
picture:  a Tombsone critter welcoming us at the night registration.  Yuk.
picture:  Roger's bestest pizza-on-the grill.  No Mexican for us tonight.
picture:  The ritual sticking of the sticker of Arizona.
picture:  7 more state to go until we are back home.

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