Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sept 29th: Canyon de Chelly

Sept 29th, Wed:  Still in Cortez, Colorado with weather in the 80's during the day, sunny but the nights get cold enough for the furnace.  This is great:  every morning Blue gets up before us and starts his morning "whine".  It's time for his morning walk with Roger.  Gretchen gets a little quiet time and/or time to update the blog.  Life is great.

We visited a Canyon that was spectacular.  Only downside was that is was almost a three hour long drive to get there.  We have a rental car that is most uncomfortable, a Kia. Canyon de Chelly (pronounced "duh Shay") is back in Arizona and on the Navajo reservation.  There were seven overlooks that included ruins  from 22 rooms to 80 rooms inhabited about 900 until 1200 A.D.  The last stop was to view Spider Rock, a monolith 800 feet tall.  It is amazing how the Indians lived back then and still do now but on the canyon floor as farmers.

We bought a beautiful Navajo hand made vase and the Navajo lady, without a front tooth, was very appreciative because 1 of her 8 children has braces and a payment was due in two days!  Or so she said when Roger tried to negotiate with her on the price!!

We have been back and forth in Arizona now for a couple of days and realized that today will be our last day to visit in Arizona.  Geez, the trip back is fast coming upon us. 

picture:  back seat driver
picture:  Canyon de Chelly's first overlook with active Indian farms which you can see on the bottom right..
picture:  Canyon de Chelly warning sign to hold onto pets, children.  800 feet cliff ahead!  Blue turns his head away cuz he cannot look down!
picture:  dwellings from 900-1200 A.D.  However, no one is home today.
picture:  Looking over the 800 foot cliff.  Yikes!  Good thing there is a railing here to hand on to.
picture:  Spider Rock.  Sure doesn't look like it's 800 feet tall.  We see tent campers down there.  You cannot go down with a guide.  But they don't have any water, electric, a pot to pee in,  and the night will be cold.  Give us a motorhome anyday!  Alcohol is forbidden on the reservation, so this is truly the meaning of "dry" camping. 
picture:  On way to Spider Rock.  Sign says 200 yards and Roger reminds Gretchen that this will be like walking 4 football fields (down and back).  You know, that she has disk problems where walking can be painful.  Thank you, Roger, for your observation.  Love ya.
picture:  three horse's asses.
picture:  Somehow they get over the fence to run on the road.  So far we have seen sheep, cows, and now horses who have been through the fence.  Still looking for that Road Runner.

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